
Discussion in 'Other Vauxhall Models' started by samoli48, Dec 27, 2024.

  1. samoli48


    Dec 27, 2024
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    Anyone shed any light on this issue please, my car needed a new wetbelt it had perished really badly at 64911 miles, Vauxhall wouldnt take any responsibility even though its a common known issue.
    I ended up leaving if with my local garage who charged me £1200 to fit new one, since then O am having intermittent starting issues where the car struggles to start but does. There is no pattern to this it just happens randomly. Its been in the garage they cant seem to figure out whats happening l have now also a loud noise when turning my wheel and have a small oil leak.

    its really getting me down can anyone shed any light on what the provkem is x

    thankyou in advance
    samoli48, Dec 27, 2024
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