i have a warning light on the dashbord for the sensor in the cat

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by aussie bongo, Apr 13, 2006.

  1. aussie bongo

    aussie bongo Guest

    i have a warning light on the dashbord for the sensor in the cat
    convertor. is there a way of finding out what is causing this without
    spending loads at a vauxhal dealer just so they can tell me what it will
    cost me to sort it out...
    aussie bongo, Apr 13, 2006
  2. aussie bongo

    mikeFNB Guest

    what car.......????

    you can do the paperclip trick on many vauxhalls to get the faultcode

    mikeFNB, Apr 13, 2006
  3. aussie bongo

    aussie bongo Guest

    thanks mike.
    the car is the astra club 8v estate. 2002 model
    i will search the groups for the paper clip method,

    aussie bongo, Apr 13, 2006

  4. Roam around this site.


    There's a section on fault codes and downloadable files.
    Good luck
    Malcolm Stewart, Apr 13, 2006
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