Corsa 1.7 diesel

Discussion in 'Corsa' started by Zetor, Feb 8, 2005.

  1. Zetor

    Zetor Guest

    I have 1998 Corsa 1.7 diesel and when it's ticking over the gear stick
    vibrates quite loudly, if I gentley press the sides of the gaiter onto
    the lever the vibration stops completley but returns when I let go,
    anyone know if there is a permanant way to stop it vibrating?

    Zetor, Feb 8, 2005
  2. Zetor

    Mike Guest

    Obvious things first. Is it ticking over at the correct speed? Does gently
    raising the revs ever so slightly (with the pedal) cause the vibration it
    could be just running a bit slow.

    Mike, Feb 8, 2005
  3. Zetor

    Zetor Guest

    I just checked to see if raising the revs makes any difference and
    this does seem to decrese the vibration, I would have thought that
    adjusting the idle speed could be done by myself but the Haynes manual
    says that I either need to buy a tachometer or get a Vauxhall dealer
    to set it, can I not just adjust it untill the vibration stops?
    Zetor, Feb 8, 2005
  4. Zetor

    Mike Guest

    Someone will probably have a differant opinion, but just take the idle up a
    touch if that cures the problem, but not if it sounds like the engine is
    revving away. remember that if the idle is way too high, then not only will
    it cause problems in slow driving, i.e. in a car park, but also overheat
    quicker in jams.


    btw, you never said if this was a recent thing. if you've had the car for a
    while and only just started this, look for other causes of the idling
    slowing a bit. try taking the air filter out and see if that makes a
    difference. (to the idle speed, before you adjust anything)
    Mike, Feb 9, 2005
  5. Zetor

    Guest Guest

    Had this with a 1.7 diesel Cav. There is a linkage pin, mounted
    vertically with a clip thing on top. It's part of the gearleaver linkage
    just to the rear of the gearbox. Its about 75mm long and about 12mm dia
    (IIRC). The pin is worn, replacment is cheap and easy.
    Guest, Feb 9, 2005
  6. Zetor

    Zetor Guest

    I have had the car about 4 months and it did do it when I bought it, i
    just figured it was a diesel and they are a little noiser then petrol
    cars,btw it's done just over 50,000 miles, but some good advice to
    now check up on, I'll take a look at this pin and if that isn't the
    prob then I'll see if I can up the revs a little.
    Zetor, Feb 9, 2005
  7. Zetor

    Zetor Guest

    I'm not sure how I get access to this pin, is it under the bonnet and
    do I need to get ujnderneath the gearbox to get to it?
    Zetor, Feb 9, 2005
  8. Zetor

    Guest Guest

    The link in question looks slightly different on the Cav to the Corsa.
    It's shown well enough in the Haynes manual.
    Basically it's visible from under the bonnet just near where the gear
    linkage joins the gearbox. Fairly easy to dismantle but a bit long
    winded to explain. The linkage also has to be adjusted after being
    removed, overhauled etc. It's all in the Haynes manual.
    Guest, Feb 9, 2005
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